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Gift To Emanuel Community 2022

Donations to Emanuel help us continue to work towards reaching our mission. This year, we identified areas where we could use support, including our Emanuel Congregation Religious School (ECRS), community building activities, religious and spiritual opportunities and basic, yet important, day-to-day operations.

Every contribution is greatly appreciated and consideration a מתנה מהלב (gift from the heart). Thank you for your considering of Emanuel during the Chanukah season.
If you would like make a general donation, tribute or dedication, please click here.
Emanuel Congregation Religious School (ECRS) strives to nurture each student. Our experienced teachers are dedicated to building Jewish knowledge, beliefs and values, actions, and a sense of belonging. We guide and encourage our students to find their own Jewish voices, encouraging each child to discover their own Jewish questions. We serve students in grades Pre-Kindergarten through 12th grade.
   A Month of Classroom Supplies ($18)
   A Month of Art Project Supplies ($100)
   Sponsor an ECRS Student ($1500)
   Mishkan Tefilah for youth Siddurim (prayer books) for Sunday mornings ($3,000)
   Closing day treat for ECRS students (Kona Ice truck or ice cream truck) ($500)
   Nothing in this category ($0)

From ritual to technology, we invite you to support our hybrid (in-person & online) Shabbat Services.
   Monthly Online Streaming Service ($200)
   Repair/Replace a Prayer Book ($45)
   Annual Professional Live Streaming Equipment & Services for Shabbat ($15,600)
   Shabbat Candles ($10/month)
   Nothing in this category ($0)

We love, love, love opportunities to gather together. You can sponsor one of these gatherings where people can connect with each other.
   Share Shabbat Dinner ($800)
   Guest Clergy/Speaker ($350)
   Replace and Upgrade Emanuel's ADA Accessibility Cart ($1,000)
   Caring Committee Get Well Packs for 20 Members ($800/quarterly)
   Sponsor a family membership ($3300)
   A High Holy Day Saprano ($2,000)
   A High Holy Day Alto ($2,000)
   A High Holy Day Tenor ($2,000)
   A High Holy Day Baritone Bass ($2,000)
   High Holy Day Choir Director ($4,000)
   Nothing in this category ($0)

5959 is a Jewishly-based cultural and community destination to serve Chicago with programming, speakers, panels, author events, and more. 

For the Bronze, Silver and Gold tiers, donors will receive recognition as an annual supporter of 5959 Chicago and complimentary passes to events for all levels,  Silver tier donors also include special meet-and-greet receptions prior to and/or following events and 5959 logo merchandise. In addition to all listed above, Gold tier donors will also receive recognition during the event!
   Single Event Sponsorship ($500)
   Event Series Sponsorship ($5,400)
   5959 Bronze Donor ($5,000)
   5959 Silver Donor ($10,000)
   5959 Gold Donor ($20,000)
   Nothing in this Category ($0)

This is not the fun stuff, but this is the technology & the building we use everyday....
   Owl: a zoom device to help with meetings held in person and on zoom simultaneously. ($1,100)
   Remediation from the flood in the main office ($10,000)
   A Case of Copy Paper ($36/Month)
   Laptop and Monitors ($2,000)
   A Month of ShulCloud-Membership Database ($500)
   A Month of IT Support ($800)
   A Month of Wireless ($175)
   A Month of Phone Service ($300)
   A Month of toner cartridges and Drums ($50)
   Emanuel Grounds Beautiful in Winter ($500)
   Emanuel Grounds Beautiful in Spring ($500)
   Emanuel Grounds Beautiful in Summer ($500)
   Emanuel Grounds Beautiful in Fall ($500)
   Lobby & Michigan Hall Benches ($350 each)
   New Chairs for the Library (for meetings and gatherings) Need 8 ($80 per chair)
   A month of General Office Supplies ($25)
   Nothing in this category ($0)

I would like to make a general contribution to Emanuel Congregation.
Tue, January 28 2025 28 Tevet 5785